Push Doctor fixes Push Notifications on jailbroken iPhone 3G & 3GS

OS 3.x brought many cool features on iPhone one of’em was Push Notifications. Push Notifications works great on iPhone’s whose OS is not modified or not jailbroken that means non-legit carriers could not see any push notifications from any of their push enabled apps. But Thanx to anathema the developer of Push Doctor tweak which lets you enjoy Push notifications on jailbroken iPhone’s.

Push Doctor is a tweak which will enable Push Notifications on your jailbroken Phones. I installed Push Doctor on my Blackra1n jaibroken iPhone 3G, but I got few errors while installing, and Cydia asked to keep the half-installed package or forcibly clear it. The safest way to go it to clear forcibly it as it prevents future conflicts when trying to re-download Push Doctor. This is happening because there is a very limited amount of certificates available for download at the moment, to see if there are currently any for download go to http://www.cmdshft.ipwn.me/blog/ on your computer and look for a counter on the right, it should look like this: Click here for Screenshot, If there are some left go ahead and download Push Doctor, If you’re still having an issue with installing Push Doctor and you cannot get push working, it’s because the server it’s getting your unique cert from is actually out of certs. The demand is very high apparently, and @anethema is now generating 1 unique cert per minute to put on the server. Try every few hours, eventually it will work. Any errors just means the same that it cannot find a unique cert. Just “reinstall” the package later or the next day.
The last part is if you successfully downloaded Push Doctor, navigate to the AppStore and download iPusher (AppStore link) , it will test to see if your push is functioning correctly.

If, you were using PushFix just uninstall since it only fixes Youtube issues and not Push and then install Push Doctor. Also, you might notice that your Youtube app is not working, Don’t worry, try a reboot. If that doesn’t fix it, then it’s an issue with the certs and youtube in very specific countries. There are 3 packages on NERV Repo for Youtube, try them ONE AT A TIME. If one does not work, uninstall and try the next one. In my case, YouTubefix#1 worked.

Push Doctor is available on cydia under Nerv repo for free.

To Add Nerv repo:

– Goto cydia>Manage>Sources
– Edit>Add
– now type: cmdshft.ipwn.me/apt/
– And tap on Add source button.
– You are done now search for Push Doctor.